Black Bean Fritters + Orange Corn Pudding

I made this on saturday and honestly couldn’t sleep well on friday night because thoughts of this dish kept interrupting my sleep.  Bean fritters and corn pudding is the perfect “winter morning-not going to work today” type breakfast.

“Bean fritters” is aka “Akara”, and “Corn Pudding” is aka “Akamu”, “Pap”, “Ogi”.

The beans was skinned and cleaned on friday night. The corn fermentation process began 3 days prior. The fermentation process gives corn pudding its  classic sour taste and signature smell 🙂


To ferment:

  1. Pour finely ground corn flour in a bowl
  2. Cover with water until flour is completely covered
  3. Leave at room temperature for 3 days
  4. Replace fermentation water at least once a day
  5. On the third day, pour out fermentation water, pour corn into a cheesecloth and squeeze out excess water.
  6. Put residue (corn) in a bowl and store in the fridge


Bean Fritters:


You will need:

  1. 1 cup of skinned black beans (soaked in water overnight)
  2. 1/2 medium onion
  3. 1 tsp salt
  4. 2 Thai peppers
  5. 1/4 cup water
  6. Oil for frying

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  1. Put all ingredients except the oil and blend until smooth and pasty
  2. Blend some more to aerate the mixture
  3. Pour mixture into a bowl, taste for salt and adjust as necessary
  4. Heat oil for about 7 to 10 mins
  5. Test oil readiness by adding a spoon of the blend into the oil. Oil is ready if the mixture bubbles to the surface immediately
  6. Scoop spoonfuls of mixture and add to the oil. (bite sizes)
  7. Fry fritter until both sides are golden.
  8. Bring our fritters and leave to cool


For the pudding you need:

  1. Fermented ground Corn
  2. Water
  3. Vanilla extract
  4. Orange
  5. Sugar
  6. Powdered milk (optional)


  1. Put 1/4 cup of corn in a bowl
  2. Add 2 tbsp of warm water and mix until smooth, thick, and pasty
  3. Boil some water
  4. Add about 1/4 to 1/2 cup boiling water into the corn while stirring
  5. A thick pudding should begin to form
  6. Stop pouring boiling water as soon as the thick paste forms unless you prefer thinner pudding.
  7. Pour pudding in a bowl, Add freshly grated orange rind, 1 tsp pure vanilla extract, 2 tbsp sugar, you may also add powdered peak meal if you like.
  8. Mix it all in and enjoy with the fritters.

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Corn Pudding can be enjoyed as breakfast or as a dessert. It can also be a savory treat with shrimps and chives instead of sugar. Treat it as a blank slate and customize to your taste.


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Oya come chop! 🙂

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