Okro + Swiss Chard Soup

It has been rainy rainy in Baltimore. Growing up, whenever it rained Mummy made comfort food. I recall boiled corn and coconut or Ube vividly. We always had corn when it rained.

Today i was craving something comforting. Pizza or Pasta was out of the question because of the new wheat free diet. Chicken too was cancelled because i am tired of chicken.  Like totally tired.

I wanted something savory and warm and veggie-full. So i made this easy delicious Okro with rainbow swiss chard. I love the earthiness of swiss chard.


I had it with leftover roast salmon, and microwaved Amala. LOL Amala purists will cringe, but its okay, it worked out and tasted great. 🙂


Easy Peazy Delice!

Okro + Swiss Chard
Prep time
Cook time
Total time
  • 20 medium sized okro fingers
  • 1 bunch of rainbow swiss chard
  • 6 basil leaves
  • ¼ cup canola oil
  • 1 cup cooked TPO -(Tomato Pepper Onions blend)
  • 1 tbsp freshly grated ginger
  • 1tbsp crayfish
  • 1 tsp crushed garlic
  • 1 tbsp salt
  • ½ cup water
  • 1 stock cube
  1. Wash all the veggies thoroughly
  2. Add the TPO, oil, garlic and ginger into the pot and set on a stove to cook.
  3. Add the stock cube, salt and crayfish and stir.
  4. Prep the okro by cutting off the head and tips.
  5. Add the prepped okro and basil into a food processor and pulse until roughly chopped.
  6. Pour chopped okro mixture into the cooking pot, add some water, stir and continue to cook.
  7. Cut up the swiss chard into small pieces.
  8. Add the chopped swiss chard into the pot, stir and cook for one more minute.
  9. Turn off heat and enjoy.

Oya Come Chop. 🙂

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